Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Train Dogs Self without Help Coach ?

 Beginner hobbyist often complain, because the difficulty of making the dog obedient and quickly familiar with the new employer. Especially if you do not wear trainers, would be more meropotkan. Well, below I will give a solution, on how to "subdue" train the dog yourself. Enough to train yourself hobbyist.
Giving Valentines
1. Compassion is the most important capital, to make the dog to be obedient and affectionate reply to his employer. When I first became acquainted with the dog, prospective employers must hold, stroking the head or pat the dog's chin and chest to be bought. This method will allow hobbyists to quickly familiar with the dog. Dogs have instincts or instinct is quite strong. Even sharper than a human instinct. If he is treated like that, his instinct would say that he had gained the affection of a stranger's.

2. Similarly, if the dog has become one of our family members at home. Should we more often reprimanded or called his name at every opportunity. Whether it's time to leave for work or when to go home. If the dog responded by barking, you should be stroking her head, patted her chin or chest. If the tail wagging his tail, he is in a state of happiness. Better yet, if you always carry snacks can include bread, sliced ​​meats and more.

3. Familiarize dogs also menenal respective family members, people living near or in your home. The trick is to introduce the name of the dog in people known to the family, so that everyone who can come in where it will call his name every time you meet.

4. Often took a walk, in order to feel protected even if the dog is outside the home environment. Instead, he will be angry if they see anyone trying to disturb his master.

TrainingAny time will do the basic training on the dog, the dog try to eat or give something that makes him happy.
1. Exercise the dog sits. The first step is to press the lower back gently. Every time you make it say the sentence command to sit. If the dog has to obey commands and can sit still, give him praise and provide snacks. 
2. Exercise the dog pee. Often we are bothered by our dog defecate in any place. If you know the dog defecate in a place that is not the place, grab kototan then show him, and then dispose of the place we want. If done repeatedly, rulang, the dog will understand and obey our will.

Exercise the dog to Recognize guests. Every time the bell rings means there's room, ordered the dog to bark. if the guests were people we know, we quickly ordered the dog to stop barking and walk away with a friendly greeting. The dog must be able to distinguish each of the guests who come visit our home.
Note:Usually for dogs as young as 4-7 months, still has a mischievous nature. For example like dropping objects in the house, damaging the sofa, mengambambil food on the table and others. If you know it, you prepare a paper roll of paper like a club in dogs. Thus, the dog will realize that what is wrong, and also do not feel hurt.
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