Wednesday, December 14, 2011

10 things cause flu


Our fears of impending disease it will only make us sick. For example, fears of swine flu virus. The H1N1 virus has not proved to be more threatening than regular seasonal flu. Most people who have swine flu, if the recovery will be fully recovered. Research shows that anxiety can only realize what we worry about itself. So, no need to worry because anxiety will only weaken our immune system.

2. Hugging, kissing, and shaking hands
What's so dangerous about a simple handshake? Close contact with an infected individual is one of the easiest ways beerpindahnya virus.Itu does not mean you have to antisocial during flu season, but you should be aware of transfer opportunities in the virus an opportunity. If you shake hands with others, try not used to touching the mouth or eyes before washing your hands.

A Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommend to maintain a buffer of six feet from sick people to reduce the ability of the virus to spread. So, as a precaution, all sorts of cultural greetings - from shaking hands to hug to kiss on the cheek - the ax.

3. Smoke
Smoking can weaken the function of hairs in the nose Unk filter the air to the lungs, so the germs will get caught and get into the lungs. This resulted in your body more susceptible to disease attack. Pascal James Imperato, MD, dean of the School of Public Health at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, in Brooklyn warned that previous lung damage, such as those caused by smoking, may leave a greater risk of serious complications.
"Chronic Smokers are always much more susceptible to respiratory infections. They have damaged the lungs, making them more susceptible to disease," said James.

4. Sports are too often
Exercise habits in excessive amounts will weaken our body kebalan system. Do you know if a fitness training center is a place loaded with germs? Starting from the treadmill and fitness equipment that is full of sweat, stool, dressing rooms, and may be in the bag you take home existing germs that stick. But this does not mean you should stop fitness. To keep yourself from virus attacks, first lap machines and fitness equipment you want to use. After the exercise, do not forget to wash your hands.

5. Drinking alcoholic beverages
A recent study in BMC Immunology found that rats who consumed large amounts of alcohol in a short time his immune system is weakened and may have a more difficult time fighting infections for at least 24 hours.
Other side effects of drinking too much alcohol is able to quickly and easily lead to dehydration which impairs the ability of the nose and throat to filter germs and expel them in the form of mucus.

6. Rely too much on the gel antibacterial hand wipes
You are accustomed to using the gels wash hands, check the materials contained therein. A good antibacterial gel containing 60 to 95 percent alcohol, ethanol, or isopropanol. Gel hand wipes are effective at killing germs when a sink is not available near you, but do not forget to wash hands as usual using clean water. Until now no studies have proved that hand washing gel capable of killing the virus. Washing hands with soap and water remains the best way to wash kuan.

7. Not washing hands properly
Many people do not wash their hands properly. Wash your hands as much as ten times a day is one of the recommended ways to prevent the arrival of the virus that causes flu. However, there are still many people who do not wash their hands immediately after coughing and sneezing. Many also found people wash their hands less than 15 seconds, whereas experts recommend washing hands for at least 20 seconds or more. Rub the entire surface of the hand between the finger and make sure hands are completely dry afterwards. Turn off the faucet and bathroom lights and opened the door with a tissue to time keep hands clean.

8. Use a face mask is wrong
Since September last, face masks are no longer recommended for use in the home and work environments. Yet many still use it, especially if they are in severe cold conditions or because of the daily dealing with sick people. Mask is a hotbed of viruses. Make sure you use and dispose of them properly. Do not touch the front of the most likely contaminated by the virus. After that, make sure you always wash your hands properly clean.

9. Drinking cold medicine before the time
In the midst of the panic will swine flu virus, many people then find and buy supplies of antiviral drugs in anticipation. However, most of them will not even probably will never need it. Antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu, should be given appropriate advice and prescription. This is because the dose that is not right can make the virus becomes resistant to these drugs.

10. Think little of every thing
It may seem contradictory, but in fact the healthiest approach to flu season is to take a position in between panic and indifference. You might assume that you are too young or too healthy for flu. Typically, high-risk flu patients aged at least 65 years, under two years old, pregnant women, or had ever existed previous medical condition. In the end, all of this point is the age or health status does not make you invincible, and we all must take precautions flu seriously


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